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Public school testimony

Updated: Oct 4, 2021

When we enrolled in our local public high school my son’s education was tailored to his needs as much as possible. He struggled with school due to challenging learning disabilities.

The Safe Schools program was introduced in his second year (year 8). This was education exposing children to gender theory at all year levels. The male and female binary was replaced by a gender spectrum. At the time, Caitlin Jenner (formerly known as Bruce Jenner) was the celebrity role model for this new education. Pronouns and gender transition were part of the teachings. Carefully crafted slogans were used like “genitals don’t equal gender”. Activism for the cause was encouraged. Students were directed to websites such as Minus18 (featuring chest binding and penis tucking) and The Tool Shed (an international adult entertainment store).

After contacting the school to express concern, I was invited to an education meeting. No other parents attended. My mum came along as a support person. I thought it would be a small meeting, however there were about 10 staff members present including the student wellbeing officer and principal. It felt like an ambush.

I requested an opt-out as a means of protection for my son, but it wasn’t possible because this belief system blanketed the entire school under the banner of anti-bullying, diversity, tolerance and inclusion. It’s disappointing that my son’s learning difficulties were always taken into consideration with other subjects, but when it came to gender doctrine, they were side-lined and ignored. We made the decision to leave the school when a cross-dressing announcement was made in science class. It congratulated the students on their uniform compliance during 2015 and went on to say that students could wear the uniform of their choice in 2016. They were preparing for the new year with the Safe Schools rollout. The teachers had undergone training by this stage.

I went public in an effort to warn families about the upcoming gender-fluidity education. It was the only way to rapidly raise awareness. The principal responded publicly denying and downplaying my son’s experience, but it happened. Uniform diversity is one of the basic tenets of the Safe Schools religion. Who knows, maybe the principal felt some shame, maybe school reputation was on his mind.

I consider the Safe Schools philosophy abusive, but there’s nowhere to report this crime when most schools are taking part and educators who occupy positions of trust are participating, some are even celebrating. Any education that tells children they could be born in the wrong body is damaging. Duty of care is missing and protective boundaries have been eroded. This experience has highlighted the fact that parents have lost their primary educator role. The state has filled this position. No means yes when it comes to this issue. No parental consent is required.

Parents, please note that the late Colin Billings is reportedly the true founder of Minus18.


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