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  • Defend Children

Recently, my wife was listening in on a virtual presentation given by the school psychologist to all year 7 girls in a ‘top’ catholic girls school in Melbourne.

It was all about consent.

The example was given of a cup of tea being offered and then respectfully declined. This was presented as a video with F words littered all over the dialogue.

Not very impressed you can imagine.

That was nothing compared to what was to follow.

Next came a talk from the psychologist with power points about sex and the ‘age of consent’.

The age of consent for sex in Victoria is just 12 years of age, and partners must be not more than 2 years older in age.

I know that the reason for the young age is so that children do not end up on the sex offenders register, but are funnelled toward counselling instead- it is obviously NOT because 12 years old is an okay age to have sex.

But all the psychologist said was, ‘If you want to have sex, you need to ask consent’. This was said in the company of the Year level coordinator.

If that wasn’t enough to make you mad, the next line in the power point was, “ If there are more than 2 involved, you all need to give consent”.

We took photos of that power point and immediately complained to the school the next day after we calmed down.

We were treated like prudes and told that the lessons are guided by the principle of 'sex positivity', as part of the Victorian education standards.

Needless to say, our daughter no longer goes to that ‘catholic’ school.

  • Defend Children

I work in a Victorian high school in a wellbeing capacity (and am a registered health professional).

I have been given the schools guide from from a Secondary School Nurse (DET employee) as what we should use to support trans students.

In it it mentions in one of the side bubbles on page 6 that using the wrong pronouns, deadnaming, dividing the class ‘by gender’ or forcing a ‘non binary’ child to use a toilet of either sex can cause the student to self harm.

This certainly goes against ethical reporting on self harm.

Clearly, I’m not in favour of this gender ideology but I certainly can’t be out about that at work.

  • Defend Children

At my school (public school in NSW), we have had a few students "transition". One in particular was a girl, 13 years old, with an extremely traumatic background associated with her dad. She decided that she wanted to transition to become a boy.

Her mum did not want her to make the decision at that early age and did not support it. However, some of the wellbeing staff at school pushed to have her name changed on rolls, provide the boys uniform for her and continue to seek approval from her mum.

I attempted to fight on behalf of the mum, but was told I wasn't inclusive enough.

Everything happened without the mum's approval.

We now need to print two school reports - one for the mum and one for the student so that she doesn't have a tantrum at school.

I have also had to intervene when other students have called her by "she" or "her" absentmindedly, as they get in trouble and she gets away with swearing at them and throwing a tantrum because of it.

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