5. The importance of science-based information
about biological sex
Grounding in the reality of biological sex is relevant to transition and mental health, as articulated by transsexual Corinna Cohn. Fifteen years of post-transition deep depression and dysphoria lifted with self-acceptance: “It was an epiphany.... encounters that had previously left me confused and anxious started to make more sense when i realized I’d experienced them as a transsexual and not as a woman.”
For 30 Years, I’ve Tried to Become a Woman. Here’s What I Learned Along the Way
There is now widespread confusion about the difference between sex and gender. It is common to hear a denial of biological sex via the assertion that ‘sex is a spectrum’. There is no scientific basis for this. Sex is binary. Males produce sperm. Females produce ova. Evolution involved sexual selection. No mammal has ever changed sex.
Helpful, science-based information:
Why sex is binary (5 min video)
Intersex: a third sex category? (11min video)